The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Santacitta's Dharma Talks at Aloka Earth Room
Ayya Santacitta
Santacitta Bhikkhuni hails from Austria and trained as a nun in England & Asia from 1993 until 2009, primarily in the lineage of Ajahn Chah. Since 2002, she has also received teachings in the lineage of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. She is committed to our planet as a living being and resides at 'Aloka Earth Room', currently located in San Rafael, California. Santacitta Bhikkhuni stammt aus Österreich and begann ihre Nonnenausbildung 1993 in England & Asien, vor allem in der Traditionslinie von Ajahn Chah. Seit 2002 empfängt sie auch Unterweisungen in der Traditionslinie von Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Sie ist unserem Planeten als lebendes Wesen verpflichtet und lebt im 'Aloka Earth Room' in San Rafael, Kalifornien.
2023-08-23 Resonance ~ Engaging with Creativity Beyond the Intellect 47:15
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-08-17 Global Witnessing: Take in the Planet's Feedback ~ It's a Practice for Our Times 47:34
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-08-09 We Have to Accelerate Our Own Transformation Now! 49:29
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-08-02 Cultivate Sense-fulness rather than Meaning-fulness 49:09
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-07-26 Choose Collective Healing Over Collective Self-Destruction 49:07
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-07-19 Allow Your State of Wonder to Stay Open, Without Always Trapping It into Meaning 46:30
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-07-12 Becoming Alive Again ~ Stepping out of the hamster wheel of repetition 53:36
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-07-05 Rapprochement ~ Reorienting Ourselves to Planet Earth 51:57
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-06-21 Gathering Our Re-Sources 44:39
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room
2023-06-14 The Possibility of Serving as Part of the Planet's Immune System 50:49
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

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